The Mission:

Here at Motominded we take trail preservation and advocacy very seriously. We want to do everything we possibly can to ensure that our Moto access to trail systems is preserved for generations to come. We hope that more people can see how important protecting trail access is, so we can ensure that there is plenty of fun to be had for everyone.


How you can help: 

There are many ways you can help. First and foremost, being a great ambassador to the sport of off-road motorcycling goes a long way. Respecting your local riding areas by using common courtesy, and cleaning up after yourself is huge step in creating a partnership with those who may carry a bad judgement of Moto riders. 

Secondly, donating to your local trail preservation groups will ensure your money is used to directly effect your local trail access. The funding these groups rely on is critical to ensuring their operations can continue to be successful for years to come.  

Lastly, stick to the trails that are open to Moto access only. Riding illegal trails only adds salt to the wound. We as riders have to look at the bigger picture of trail access, and understand that those who want to deny trail access are always looking for any evidence of unruliness to use against us. We must play by the rules and honor our commitment to ensure that we have every possible leg to stand on when it comes time to fight for our right to ride. 


 Where to donate?

First and foremost, please check to see if there is a local organization that you can donate to. You will see the impact your donations have first hand. 

After that, check out these great groups: 

Blue Ribbon Coalition

Stay The Trail:

TPA (Trails Preservation Alliance)

Don't forget to reach out to your local Forest Service office and let them know that you and your buddies are ready to advocate for more trail access. This lets them know there are folks who want and care about more trail access for off-road motorcycles. 

Last but not least, we hope to see all of our customers out on the trail having a blast and enjoying the trails and tracks that we all love to ride. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or comments. 


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